What You Get

    1. Meet Heather

    2. Her Journey

    1. Fermentation 101

    2. Health Benefits of Fermentation

    3. Oldest Recorded Foods

    4. Wild vs. Cultured Veggies

    5. Using a Starter Culture

    6. Introducing Fermented Veggies

    7. Start Off Slow!

    8. All About Salt

    9. What You'll Need

    10. Equipment List

    11. Helpful Tips

    12. Troubleshooting

    1. Classic Kraut Recipe

    2. Making Sauerkraut

    3. Perfectly Pickled Cucs

    4. Pickling Cucumbers

    5. Crunchy Carrot Sticks

    6. Dilly Beans

    7. One of My Favs!

    1. Wild, Spicy + Fun Krauts

    2. Kimchi That Kicks

    3. Cultured Garden Salsa

    4. Garlic With a Kick

    5. Fermenting Garlic

    6. Brine Shots

About this course

  • $29.99
  • 27 lessons